The Bandolier
For several Christmas, my 3 sisters and I gave eachother handmade presents. For my 24th Christmas, after I failed to make a paper tissue case, then I created a tampon case with the piece of felt that was left.
In October 2000, following the advice of the INPI (the French National Institute for Industrial Property), I trademarked the tampons case prototype I called la Cartouchière (the Bandolier).
In 2002, I signed an exclusive contract with Carré Royal, the leather goods company working with Kookaï. The small case and the big case (the first one for tampon without applicator, the second for tampons with applicator) were created for this brand. 800 were sold in different countries, but not in France. The sales representative told me that the French didn't feel comfortable during the presentations.
Later, I made new copies of the folding type with my sewing machine and I went to show them to shops selling funny objects. Not many were sold.
Emmanuel helped me creating la Cartouchière®, website, it's still working.

Frédéric Martin, publisher at Le Tripode (formerly Attila), manufactured 50 copies in 2009, when Où faire pipi à Paris ? (Where to pee in Paris ?) came out. But none were sold.
Yet, for 20 years now I have been carrying a Cartouchière with me. My sisters too. La Cartouchière will have its hour of glory, there is no doubt about it, but when ?