The flip books « the egg or the chicken »
When I printed the Book Covers at the copy shop, there would always be strips of paper left. The strips were 7.7 centimeters wide. First, I kept them to make small copybooks, but then I wanted to find a better use. As I was wondering about who came first : the chicken or the egg, I then created my hen (not yesterday, not tomorrow), and I created flip-books on that same theme.
50 copies of 5 small flip books were created and put into a box. I went to show them to the Atelier bookshop (in the 20th arrondissement in Paris) and its manager bought the 45 boxes I had to sell without bargaining. I feared that he made a mistake, that he was being ripped off because the object would not be as interesting as he thought, because nobody would buy it, because the flip books might get damaged. But still, he really wanted them.
I don't know if many people bought them. I only know that a flip book collector owns a copy.