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The Book-Covers

les couvre-livres : exemple 1

The Book-Covers

There are 4 Couvre Livres (Book-Covers) series, made in 2003 and 2004. The Book-Cover can fit any book size under 22 centimeters of height. It aims at hiding the title of the book (if need be), at protecting the book and at entertaining our seatmates in the public transport. There are 4 collections: Interpellations (Interrogations),  Proverbes (Proverbs), Tests Visuels (Visual Tests) and Incivisme (Anti-social conduct). The design of the covers was made by Raphaël Garnier. I handmade them  at my local copy shop, and went to present them myself to shops or bookshops.

autre exemple de couvre-livre : 2
illustration pour le carton de présentation de Raphael Garnier

600 book covers were made in 4 years.

The kind lady from the “Freak & Chic” shop in rue des Moines in the 17th arrondissement, helped selling them by telling about them to a journalist who wrote an article about them. Then other journalists became interested and then wrote articles as well etc.

The covers could be printed again if a publisher were to be interested.

couvre-livre complètement déplié
mode d'emploi d'adaptation du couvre-livre
une pochette de 3 couvre-livres