The extras in love
I had already been an extra, to earn some money. I was interested by the life on movie sets. I've been an extra in about a dozen movies. Nothing much is expected from an extra: the extra has to do what he's asked to and has to wait for the rest of the day for the moment to do what he has to. I thought I wasn't very good at this job, I didn't feel like an actress at all, even if it was only a very small part to play.
However, we did a great job as extras who were in love on the set of Guillaume Canet's « Little White Lies ». It was winter, but summer in the movie. Benoît and i wore summer clothes. A woman kept a blanket to keep us warm between takes. She would hide in the corner of a bulding while it was shooting, that is, when we were endlessly French-kissing. We were supposed to be in the back of a street, in the back background. Unfortunately, the scene disdn't make the cut.
We are ready to play these lovers parts again. Calling all the casting directors ! (We are a bit older now than on these pictures but we still kiss very well.)