The C.O.M.I.C
I submitted the C.O.M.I.C (*which could be translate into the Unofficial City Department of Civic Interventions) to the Paris City Council in 2015. There is also a first version of it, submitted to the team of the former mayor of Paris, Betrand Delanoë but they never answered back. In 2015, I met the heads of the Information and Communication Department. There could have worked together, however minor and major events put an end to it.
However, I'm ready to be the head of the C.O.M.I.C, whereever one will find this new department intersting to create.
The C.O.M.I.C is meant to reach people in two manners: to generate happiness in the streets of the city and to isolate unsociable conducts in a fun way and to focus on kind gestures towards each other.
Cécile Briand will be the only employee of the C.O.M.I.C. The city council will be the head and the main associate of the project. Many partners will take part to actions of the C.O.M.I.C (comedians or volunteers, technical service providers, transportation carriers...
Here are 4 examples of actions offered by the C.O.M.I.C (among the 10 actions already imagined).
The whistlers
A new occupation will appear: the Whistler. He will interpret (whistling), while walking in the streets of the city, songs from his repertoire.
This project, like the 2 others, calls on the participation of 10 whistlers (let’s called them « comidians » : the actors of the C.O.M.I.C).
If this « joy giver » device doesn’t always work, there’s no negative impact to expect from it.

Cars and pedestrians
The song « Quand c’est aux autos de passer » (« When it’s the cars’ turn »), sung by Paul Collone in 1933, talks in a tragi-comic way about the irresponsible ars and pedestrians behaviours. It will be broadcasted at one or several traffic lights and will play automatically and regularly.
You an listen to it by clicking on the speaker.

An object-book will be created in association with the City. It will be a two-page detachable card stock, made of tags, stickers, thumbnails… For instance, one could use the tags to put in the dogs poop like « 2,99€ a kilo », « Buy 3, get one free ! » or « deal !70% off ». One can use the « non-business » cards with unwelcomed womanizers. Or hand the « good mood to sniff ». The book will begin with a study of the « History of the polite and rude gestures during the last three centuries » which will enable to have a view with hindsight of the living together issue.

The postcard, recto-verso

The fillpocket
The fillpocket will aim at slipping into the pocket of the public transport or public services users, a small present, which once discovered would surprise and delight the lucky victim.
The fillpocketers will be hired on the basis of a their discretion.